SXSW Winning documentary ANOTHER BODY follows American college student Taylor’s search for answers and justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online. After discovering that what happened to her is not a crime, Taylor takes matters into her own hands, diving headfirst into an exploding online culture of men violating women’s consent.


SXSW Special Jury Award Winning documentary ANOTHER BODY follows American college student Taylor’s search for answers and justice after she discovers deepfake pornography of herself circulating online. She dives headfirst into the underground world of deepfakes, and discovers a growing culture of men terrorizing women—influencers, classmates, friends.

More than just a cautionary tale about misused technology and the toxicity of the online world, this documentary transforms the deepfake technology weaponized against Taylor into a tool that allows her to tell her story and reclaim her identity.

Deepfakes are doubling online every six months.

  • Researchers predict there’ll be over 5.2 million in 2024.
  • 90% are non-consensual porn of women.
  • This film has an urgent activist intent to tackle a problem that is spiralling out of control

But this abuse is legal.

  • Across most of the globe and 48 US states there are no laws against deepfake pornography.
  • There are 3000+ websites dedicated to intimate image abuse that have been allowed to thrive.
  • Our film and impact campaign #MyImageMyChoice aim to turbocharge a global conversation and campaign for laws, tech accountability, and online gender equality.

Virtual Summit on Deepfake Abuse hosted by #MyImageMyChoice, Bumble, The Reclaim Coalition, and the Joyful Heart Foundation

Join advocates, leaders, and lived experience experts on March 19th and 20th, 2024 at the first global Summit on Deepfake Abuse. The Summit will bring together key stakeholders and thought-leaders on deepfakes and the online platforms dedicated to intimate image abuse, aiming to turbocharge a global conversation.
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